Actor Partner Interdependence Model With Multilevel Analysis


Mark Lai


October 23, 2021

Every time I teach multilevel modeling (MLM) at USC, I have students interested in running the actor partner independence model (APIM) using dyadic model. While such models are easier to fit with structural equation modeling, it can also be fit using MLM. In this post I provide a software tutorial for fitting such a model using MLM, and contrast to results to SEM.

Note that this is not a conceptual introduction to APIM. Please check out this chapter and this paper.

There is also this great tutorial on using the nlme package, which uses the dummy variable trick to allow a univariate MLM to handle multivariate analyses. The current blog post is similar but with a different package.

See also with the same example using nlme::gls().

Load Packages

Warning in checkDepPackageVersion(dep_pkg = "TMB"): Package version inconsistency detected.
glmmTMB was built with TMB version 1.9.6
Current TMB version is 1.9.10
Please re-install glmmTMB from source or restore original 'TMB' package (see '?reinstalling' for more information)


The data set comes from, which has 148 married couples. You can see the codebook at

pair_data <- here::here("data_files", "acipair.RData")
# Download data if not already exists in local folder
if (!file.exists(pair_data)) {
# Show data
  CoupleID  Yearsmar Partnum Gender_A SelfPos_A OtherPos_A Satisfaction_A
1        3  8.202667       1     Wife       4.8        4.6       4.000000
2        3  8.202667       2  Husband       3.8        4.0       3.666667
3       10 10.452667       1     Wife       4.6        3.8       3.166667
4       10 10.452667       2  Husband       4.2        4.0       3.666667
5       11 -8.297333       1     Wife       5.0        4.4       3.833333
6       11 -8.297333       2  Husband       4.2        4.8       3.833333
  Tension_A SimHob_A Gender_P SelfPos_P OtherPos_P Satisfaction_P Tension_P
1       1.5        0     MALE       3.8        4.0       3.666667       2.5
2       2.5        1   FEMALE       4.8        4.6       4.000000       1.5
3       4.0        0     MALE       4.2        4.0       3.666667       2.0
4       2.0        0   FEMALE       4.6        3.8       3.166667       4.0
5       2.5        0     MALE       4.2        4.8       3.833333       2.5
6       2.5        0   FEMALE       5.0        4.4       3.833333       2.5
  SimHob_P                   Gender COtherPos_A COtherPos_P CTension_A
1        1 Wife                          0.3365     -0.2635    -0.9307
2        0 Husband                      -0.2635      0.3365     0.0693
3        0 Wife                         -0.4635     -0.2635     1.5693
4        0 Husband                      -0.2635     -0.4635    -0.4307
5        0 Wife                          0.1365      0.5365     0.0693
6        0 Husband                       0.5365      0.1365     0.0693
1     0.0693
2    -0.9307
3    -0.4307
4     1.5693
5     0.0693
6     0.0693

Hypothetical Research Question

Here we have a hypothetical research question of how a person views their partners (OtherPos_A) and how their partner views them (OtherPos_P) predict their marriage satisfaction (Satisfaction_A).

# Overall
  subset(acipair, select = c("Satisfaction_A", "OtherPos_A", "OtherPos_P"))

# Wife
  subset(acipair, subset = Gender_A == "Wife",
         select = c("Satisfaction_A", "OtherPos_A", "OtherPos_P"))

# Husband
  subset(acipair, subset = Gender_A == "Husband",
         select = c("Satisfaction_A", "OtherPos_A", "OtherPos_P"))

# Note the ceiling effect of satisfaction

In this example, there are two major paths of interest:

  • Actor effect: OtherPos_A to Satisfaction_A
  • Partner effect: OtherPos_P to Satisfaction_A

In addition, for distinguishable dyads, like husband and wives, we want the gender interactions as well, resulting in four paths of interest (actor/partner effects for husbands/wives).

Distinguishable Dyads

Level 1:

\[ \begin{aligned} \text{Satisfaction}_{ij} & = \beta_{0j} + \beta_{1j} \text{View Partner}_{ij} + \beta_{2j} \text{Partner View}_{ij} + \beta_{3j} \text{Gender}_{ij} \\ & \quad + \beta_{4j} \text{View Partner}_{ij} \times \text{Gender}_{ij} \\ & \quad + \beta_{5j} \text{Partner View}_{ij} \times \text{Gender}_{ij} + e_{ij} \\ e_{ij} & \sim N(0, \sigma^2_{ij}) \\ \log(\sigma^2_{ij}) & = \beta^{s}_{0j} + \beta^{s}_{1j} \text{Gender}_{ij} \end{aligned} \]

Level 2:

\[ \begin{aligned} \beta_{0j} & = \gamma_{00} + u_{0j} \\ \beta_{1j} & = \gamma_{10} \\ \beta_{2j} & = \gamma_{20} \\ \beta_{3j} & = \gamma_{30} \\ \beta_{4j} & = \gamma_{40} \\ \beta_{5j} & = \gamma_{50} \\ \beta^{s}_{0j} & = \gamma^{s}_{00} \\ \beta^{s}_{1j} & = \gamma^{s}_{10} \\ u_{0j} | \text{Wife} & \sim N(0, \tau^2_{0 | H}) \\ u_{1j} | \text{Husband} & \sim N(0, \tau^2_{0 | W}) \end{aligned} \] Note that the variance components are allowed to be different across genders.

m_apim <- glmmTMB(
  Satisfaction_A ~ (OtherPos_A + OtherPos_P) * Gender_A +
    us(0 + Gender_A | CoupleID),
  dispformula = ~ Gender_A,
  data = acipair,
 Family: gaussian  ( identity )
Satisfaction_A ~ (OtherPos_A + OtherPos_P) * Gender_A + us(0 +  
    Gender_A | CoupleID)
Dispersion:                      ~Gender_A
Data: acipair

     AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
   297.6    338.2   -137.8    275.6      285 

Random effects:

Conditional model:
 Groups   Name            Variance Std.Dev. Corr 
 CoupleID Gender_AWife    0.08734  0.2955        
          Gender_AHusband 0.07716  0.2778   0.98 
 Residual                      NA      NA        
Number of obs: 296, groups:  CoupleID, 148

Conditional model:
                           Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)                 0.61125    0.40861   1.496    0.135    
OtherPos_A                  0.37770    0.07317   5.162 2.44e-07 ***
OtherPos_P                  0.32148    0.08069   3.984 6.78e-05 ***
Gender_AHusband             0.07921    0.38779   0.204    0.838    
OtherPos_A:Gender_AHusband  0.04669    0.10458   0.446    0.655    
OtherPos_P:Gender_AHusband -0.05983    0.10628  -0.563    0.573    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Dispersion model:
                Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)      -2.1549   262.3912  -0.008    0.993
Gender_AHusband  -0.6085   680.2737  -0.001    0.999

The model results show:

  • Actor effect for Wife: 0.37 (SE = 0.07)
  • Partner effect for Wife: 0.32 (SE = 0.08)
  • Difference of actor effect (Husband - Wife): 0.05 (SE = 0.10)
  • Difference of partner effect (Husband - Wife): -0.06 (SE = 0.11)
  • Gender difference (Husband - Wife) when Partner View is 0: 0.08 (SE = 0.39)

We can also estimate the actor and partner effects for both Husband and Wife by suppressing the intercept:

m_apim2 <- glmmTMB(
  Satisfaction_A ~ 0 + Gender_A + (OtherPos_A + OtherPos_P):Gender_A +
    us(0 + Gender_A | CoupleID),
  dispformula = ~ Gender_A,
  data = acipair,
  # The default optimizer did not converge; try optim
  control = glmmTMBControl(
    optimizer = optim,
    optArgs = list(method = "BFGS")
Warning in finalizeTMB(TMBStruc, obj, fit, h, data.tmb.old): Model convergence
problem; non-positive-definite Hessian matrix. See vignette('troubleshooting')
Warning in sqrt(diag(vcovs)): NaNs produced
 Family: gaussian  ( identity )
Satisfaction_A ~ 0 + Gender_A + (OtherPos_A + OtherPos_P):Gender_A +  
    us(0 + Gender_A | CoupleID)
Dispersion:                      ~Gender_A
Data: acipair

     AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
      NA       NA       NA       NA      285 

Random effects:

Conditional model:
 Groups   Name            Variance Std.Dev. Corr 
 CoupleID Gender_AWife    0.11055  0.3325        
          Gender_AHusband 0.05823  0.2413   1.00 
 Residual                      NA      NA        
Number of obs: 296, groups:  CoupleID, 148

Conditional model:
                           Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
Gender_AWife                0.61125    0.40861   1.496   0.1347    
Gender_AHusband             0.69046    0.33941   2.034   0.0419 *  
Gender_AWife:OtherPos_A     0.37770    0.07317   5.162 2.44e-07 ***
Gender_AHusband:OtherPos_A  0.42439    0.06703   6.332 2.42e-10 ***
Gender_AWife:OtherPos_P     0.32148    0.08069   3.984 6.78e-05 ***
Gender_AHusband:OtherPos_P  0.26165    0.06078   4.305 1.67e-05 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Dispersion model:
                Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)      -2.3784        NaN     NaN      NaN
Gender_AHusband  -0.1226        NaN     NaN      NaN

Indistinguishable Dyads

As the interaction terms were not significant, one may want to remove them. Similarly, the variance components did not look too different across genders, so we may make them equal as well:

m2 <- glmmTMB(
  Satisfaction_A ~ Gender_A + OtherPos_A + OtherPos_P + (1 | CoupleID),
  dispformula = ~ 1,
  data = acipair,
 Family: gaussian  ( identity )
Satisfaction_A ~ Gender_A + OtherPos_A + OtherPos_P + (1 | CoupleID)
Data: acipair

     AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
   294.5    316.6   -141.2    282.5      290 

Random effects:

Conditional model:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 CoupleID (Intercept) 0.08047  0.2837  
 Residual             0.09155  0.3026  
Number of obs: 296, groups:  CoupleID, 148

Dispersion estimate for gaussian family (sigma^2): 0.0915 

Conditional model:
                Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)      0.65818    0.32074   2.052   0.0402 *  
Gender_AHusband  0.02315    0.03523   0.657   0.5111    
OtherPos_A       0.39935    0.04706   8.487  < 2e-16 ***
OtherPos_P       0.28904    0.04706   6.143 8.12e-10 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Finally, we may also remove the main effect for Gender:

m3 <- glmmTMB(
  Satisfaction_A ~ OtherPos_A + OtherPos_P + (1 | CoupleID),
  dispformula = ~ 1,
  data = acipair,
 Family: gaussian  ( identity )
Formula:          Satisfaction_A ~ OtherPos_A + OtherPos_P + (1 | CoupleID)
Data: acipair

     AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
   292.9    311.3   -141.4    282.9      291 

Random effects:

Conditional model:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 CoupleID (Intercept) 0.08034  0.2834  
 Residual             0.09181  0.3030  
Number of obs: 296, groups:  CoupleID, 148

Dispersion estimate for gaussian family (sigma^2): 0.0918 

Conditional model:
            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)  0.66975    0.32025   2.091   0.0365 *  
OtherPos_A   0.40042    0.04705   8.510  < 2e-16 ***
OtherPos_P   0.28797    0.04705   6.120 9.34e-10 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Model Comparison

anova(m_apim, m2, m3)
Data: acipair
m3: Satisfaction_A ~ OtherPos_A + OtherPos_P + (1 | CoupleID), zi=~0, disp=~1
m2: Satisfaction_A ~ Gender_A + OtherPos_A + OtherPos_P + (1 | CoupleID), zi=~0, disp=~1
m_apim: Satisfaction_A ~ (OtherPos_A + OtherPos_P) * Gender_A + us(0 + , zi=~0, disp=~Gender_A
m_apim:     Gender_A | CoupleID), zi=~0, disp=~1
       Df    AIC    BIC  logLik deviance  Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)
m3      5 292.88 311.34 -141.44   282.88                         
m2      6 294.45 316.60 -141.23   282.45 0.4312      1     0.5114
m_apim 11 297.61 338.20 -137.80   275.61 6.8458      5     0.2324

There model with all paths equal is the best in terms of AIC and BIC, and the likelihood ratio tests were not significant.

Using SEM

Distinguishable Dyads

# Wide format
aciwide <- filter(acipair, Partnum == 1)  # Actor = Wife; Partner = Husband
This is lavaan 0.6-17
lavaan is FREE software! Please report any bugs.

Attaching package: 'lavaan'
The following object is masked from 'package:psych':

apim_mod <- ' Satisfaction_A + Satisfaction_P ~ OtherPos_A + OtherPos_P '
apim_fit <- sem(apim_mod, data = aciwide)
lavaan 0.6.17 ended normally after 12 iterations

  Estimator                                         ML
  Optimization method                           NLMINB
  Number of model parameters                         7

  Number of observations                           148

Model Test User Model:
  Test statistic                                 0.000
  Degrees of freedom                                 0

Parameter Estimates:

  Standard errors                             Standard
  Information                                 Expected
  Information saturated (h1) model          Structured

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
  Satisfaction_A ~                                    
    OtherPos_A        0.378    0.073    5.162    0.000
    OtherPos_P        0.321    0.081    3.984    0.000
  Satisfaction_P ~                                    
    OtherPos_A        0.262    0.061    4.305    0.000
    OtherPos_P        0.424    0.067    6.332    0.000

                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
 .Satisfaction_A ~~                                    
   .Satisfaction_P     0.080    0.015    5.221    0.000

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
   .Satisfaction_A    0.203    0.024    8.602    0.000
   .Satisfaction_P    0.140    0.016    8.602    0.000
p1 <- semPaths(apim_fit, what = "est", 
               rotation = 2, 
               sizeMan = 15,
               nCharNodes = 0,
               edge.label.cex = 1.15,
               label.cex = 1.25)
my_label_list <- list(list(node = "Satisfaction_A", to = "Satisfaction (W)"),
                      list(node = "Satisfaction_P", to = "Satisfaction (H)"),
                      list(node = "OtherPos_A", to = "View\nPartner (W)"),
                      list(node = "OtherPos_P", to = "View\nPartner (H)"))
p2 <- change_node_label(p1, my_label_list)
p3 <- mark_se(p2, apim_fit, sep = "\n")
my_position_list <- c("Satisfaction_A ~ OtherPos_P" = .25,
                      "Satisfaction_P ~ OtherPos_A" = .25)
p4 <- set_edge_label_position(p3, my_position_list)

Indistinguishable Dyads

apim2_mod <- ' Satisfaction_A ~ a * OtherPos_A + p * OtherPos_P
               Satisfaction_P ~ p * OtherPos_A + a * OtherPos_P 
               # Constrain the variances and means to be equal
               Satisfaction_A ~~ v * Satisfaction_A
               Satisfaction_P ~~ v * Satisfaction_P
               Satisfaction_A ~ m * 1
               Satisfaction_P ~ m * 1 '
apim2_fit <- sem(apim2_mod, data = aciwide)
lavaan 0.6.17 ended normally after 21 iterations

  Estimator                                         ML
  Optimization method                           NLMINB
  Number of model parameters                         9
  Number of equality constraints                     4

  Number of observations                           148

Model Test User Model:
  Test statistic                                 7.277
  Degrees of freedom                                 4
  P-value (Chi-square)                           0.122

Parameter Estimates:

  Standard errors                             Standard
  Information                                 Expected
  Information saturated (h1) model          Structured

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
  Satisfaction_A ~                                    
    OtherPos_A (a)    0.400    0.047    8.510    0.000
    OtherPos_P (p)    0.288    0.047    6.120    0.000
  Satisfaction_P ~                                    
    OtherPos_A (p)    0.288    0.047    6.120    0.000
    OtherPos_P (a)    0.400    0.047    8.510    0.000

                    Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
 .Satisfaction_A ~~                                    
   .Satisfaction_P     0.080    0.016    5.145    0.000

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
   .Satsfctn_A (m)    0.670    0.320    2.091    0.036
   .Satsfctn_P (m)    0.670    0.320    2.091    0.036

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)
   .Satsfctn_A (v)    0.172    0.016   11.024    0.000
   .Satsfctn_P (v)    0.172    0.016   11.024    0.000
p1 <- semPaths(apim2_fit, what = "est", 
               rotation = 2, 
               sizeMan = 15,
               nCharNodes = 0,
               edge.label.cex = 1.15,
               label.cex = 1.25,
               intercepts = FALSE)
my_label_list <- list(list(node = "Satisfaction_A", to = "Satisfaction (W)"),
                      list(node = "Satisfaction_P", to = "Satisfaction (H)"),
                      list(node = "OtherPos_A", to = "View\nPartner (W)"),
                      list(node = "OtherPos_P", to = "View\nPartner (H)"))
p2 <- change_node_label(p1, my_label_list)
p3 <- mark_se(p2, apim2_fit, sep = "\n")
my_position_list <- c("Satisfaction_A ~ OtherPos_P" = .25,
                      "Satisfaction_P ~ OtherPos_A" = .25)
p4 <- set_edge_label_position(p3, my_position_list)

The results are basically identical.