Using Two-Stage Path Analysis to Account for Measurement Error and Noninvariance

Hok Chio (Mark) Lai

University of Southern California

March 27, 2024


  • 2S-PA as an alternative to joint SEM modeling

  • Example 1: Categorical indicators violating measurement invariance

  • Example 2: Growth modeling of latent constructs

  • Extensions & Limitations

Path Analysis

But constructs are typically not directly observed

Joint Measurement and Structural Modeling

Joint Modeling (JM) Not Always Practical

  • Need a large model
  • Need a large sample
    • Especially with binary/ordinal indicators

Convergence Issues

Alternative 1: Using Composite Scores

But, imperfect measurement leads to biased and spurious results


  • Bias regression slopes
    • Unpredictable directions in complex models (Cole & Preacher, 2014)

Noninvariance/Differential functioning

  • Biased/Spurious group differences
  • Biased/Spurious interactions (Hsiao & Lai, 2018)

Alternative 2: Using Factor Scores

  • Factor scores are also not perfectly reliable
  • Some factor scores (e.g., regression scores, EAP scores) are not measurement invariant

Alternative 3: Two-Stage Path Analysis


  • First stage: Obtain one indicator (\(\tilde \eta\)) per latent construct (\(\eta\))
    • E.g., regression/Bartlett/sum scores; EAP scores
    • Adjust for noninvariance
    • Estimate \(\lambda^*\) and \({\sigma^*}^2_\varepsilon\)
  • Second stage: Single-indicator model with known loading and error variance

η* 28§display§\tilde{\eta}§png§600§FALSE§ σ2ε λ*

2S-PA With Discrete Items

  • Non-constant measurement error variance across observations1
  • Definition variables
    • Available in OpenMx and Mplus
    • Also Bayesian estimation (e.g., Stan)

η* 28§display§\tilde{\eta}§png§600§FALSE§ σ2ε λ*

2S-PA With Definition Variables

\[ \begin{aligned} \text{Measurement: } & \tilde{\bv \eta}_i = \bv \Lambda^*_{\color{red}i} \bv \eta^*_i + \bv \varepsilon^*_i \\ & \bv \varepsilon^*_i \sim N(\bv 0, \bv \Theta^*_{\color{red}i}) \\ \text{Structural: } & \bv \eta^*_{i} = \bv \alpha^* + \bv B^* \bv \eta^*_{i} + \bv \zeta^*_{i} \end{aligned} \]


Lai and Hsiao (2022) and Lai et al. (2023) found that, with categorical indicators, 2S-PA yielded

  • better convergence rates, less SE bias, better Type I error rate control in small samples, compared to joint SEM modeling (with weighted least squares estimation)

Example 1: Latent Regression

Multiple-group latent regression

  • Items on 3-to-5 point scales
  • Across 4 ethnic groups (White, Asian, Black, Hispanic)
  • Partial scalar invariance for Item 14 in CLASS

Challenges with JM

  • One multiple-group model with many invariance constraints for both latent variables
    • 424 measurement parameters
  • Two-dimensional numerical integration (with ML)
  • DWLS cannot handle missing data


  • With separate measurement models and EAP Scores
m1a <- mirt::mirt(
    dat[, paste0("audit", 4:10)],
    verbose = FALSE)
fs_audit <- mirt::fscores(
    m1a, full.scores.SE = TRUE)
             F1     SE_F1
[1,] -0.9050792 0.6705626
[2,]  0.1212936 0.4302879
[3,] -0.9050792 0.6705626
[4,]  0.2327338 0.4089029
[5,]  0.2327338 0.4089029
[6,]  1.4184295 0.3354633
  • EAP scores are shrinkage scores
    • \(\tilde \eta_i = \lambda^*_i \eta_i + \varepsilon^*_i\)
  • \(\lambda^*_i\) = shrinkage factor = reliability of \(\tilde \eta_i\), and
  • \(\text{SE}^2(\tilde \eta_i) = (1 - \lambda^*_i) V(\eta)\)

We set \(V(\eta)\) = 1. As inputs for 2S-PA, we need to obtain \(\lambda^*_i\) and \(\tilde \theta^*_i\) as

  • \(\lambda^*_i\) = \(1 - \text{SE}^2(\tilde \eta_i)\)
  • \(\theta^*_i\) = \(\text{SE}^2(\tilde \eta_i) [1 - \text{SE}^2(\tilde \eta_i)]\)
      F1 SE_F1 loading_i errorvar_i
1 -0.905 0.671     0.550      0.247
2  0.121 0.430     0.815      0.151
3 -0.905 0.671     0.550      0.247
4  0.233 0.409     0.833      0.139
5  0.233 0.409     0.833      0.139
6  1.418 0.335     0.887      0.100

Generalizing to multidimensional measurement models

Software usually gives \(\text{ACOV}(\tilde {\bv \eta}_i)\) as output

  • \(\bv \Lambda^*_i\) = \(\bv I - \text{ACOV}(\tilde {\bv \eta}_i) V(\bv \eta)\)
  • \(\bv \Theta^*_i\) = \(\bv \Lambda^*_i \text{ACOV}(\tilde {\bv \eta}_i)\)

Implementation in R package R2spa

# Prepare data
fs_dat <- fs_dat |>
    within(expr = {
        rel_class <- 1 - class_se^2
        rel_audit <- 1 - audit_se^2
        ev_class <- class_se^2 * (1 - class_se^2)
        ev_audit <- audit_se^2 * (1 - audit_se^2)
# Define model
latreg_umx <- umxLav2RAM(
      fs_audit ~ fs_class
      fs_audit + fs_class ~ 1
    printTab = FALSE
# lambda (reliability)
cross_load <- matrix(c("rel_audit", NA, NA, "rel_class"), nrow = 2) |>
    `dimnames<-`(rep(list(c("fs_audit", "fs_class")), 2))
# Error of factor scores
err_cov <- matrix(c("ev_audit", NA, NA, "ev_class"), nrow = 2) |>
    `dimnames<-`(rep(list(c("fs_audit", "fs_class")), 2))
# Create model in Mx
tspa_mx <- tspa_mx_model(latreg_umx,
    data = fs_dat,
    mat_ld = cross_load, mat_vc = err_cov

Comparison of standardized coefficients (CLASS → AUDIT)
est se ci
Joint Modeling1 0.614 0.030 [0.556, 0.672]
Factor score regression2 0.543 0.024 [0.495, 0.590]
2S-PA2 0.669 0.027 [0.617, 0.722]

2S-PA is Flexible

  • I used MG-IRT for CLASS to model partial invariance, and single-group IRT for AUDIT to assume invariance

But Choices Needed To Be Made . . .

  • Joint vs. separate measurement models
  • Types of factor scores
  • Frequentist vs. Bayesian estimation1

Joint: Multidimensional model

  • Same complexity as joint modeling
  • Needed when there are
    • longitudinal invariance
    • Cross-loadings/error covariances
  • Assumes correct measurement model

Separate: Several unidimensional models

  • Can use different software for different components
  • Less complexity, but less efficiency
  • Biased when ignoring misspecification
    • May have some robustness
  • Can have separate multidimensional/unidimensional models

Types of Factor Scores

  • Sum scores (or mean scores)
  • Shrinkage scores
    • Regression scores, EAP scores, MAP scores
  • Maximum likelihood (ML) scores
    • Bartlett scores, ML scores in IRT

Simulation Results in Lai et al. (2023)

  • All three types of scores performed reasonably well (as long as the right \(\lambda^*\) and \(\Theta^*\) are used)
  • Using sum scores give better RMSE, SE bias, and coverage in small samples/low reliability conditions

cf. Lai et al. (2023)

Composite scores Regression scores1 Bartlett scores2
Observed variance \(\bv 1^\top \bv \Sigma_X \bv 1\) \(\psi^2 \bv \lambda^\top \bv \Sigma_X^{-1} \bv \lambda\) \(\psi + (\bv \lambda^\top \bv \Theta^{-1} \bv \lambda)^{-1}\)
\(\lambda^*\) \(\sum_j \lambda_j\) \(\psi \bv \lambda^\top \bv \Sigma_X^{-1} \bv \lambda\) 1
Reliability \(\dfrac{(\sum_j \lambda_j)^2 \psi}{\bv 1^\top \bv \Sigma_X \bv 1}\) \(\psi \bv \lambda^\top \bv \Sigma_X^{-1} \bv \lambda\) \(\dfrac{\psi}{\psi + (\bv \lambda^\top \bv \Theta^{-1} \bv \lambda)^{-1}}\)

Example 2: Longitudinal Model

ECLS-K: Achievement (Science, Reading, Math) across Grades 3, 5, and 8

Interpretational Confounding

A challenge of joint modeling is that the definition of latent variables can change across models

Latent Basis No Growth Measurement Only
Science 14.87 18.57 14.83
Reading 21.47 28.19 21.39
Math 20.20 25.93 20.11

↑ Note the loadings change across different models

Longitudinal Model With 2S-PA

  • Stage 1a: Longitudinal invariance model
  • Stage 1b: Scoring and measurement properties
    • Regression scores, Bartlett scores, etc
  • Stage 2: Growth model with \(q\) indicators (\(q\) = number of time points)

Note on Scoring

With cross-loadings and/or correlated errors, scoring should be done with a joint multidimensional factor model

Mean structure

\[ \tilde{\bv \eta}_i = \bv {\color{red}b^*}_{\color{red}i} + \bv \Lambda^*_i \bv \eta^*_i + \bv \varepsilon^*_i \]

  • Bartlett scores are convenient, as generally we have
    • \(\bv b^*\) = 0 and \(\bv \Lambda^*_i = \bv I\)
    • But they may be less reliable than regression scores

Sample Code

# Get factor scores from partial scalar invariance model
fs_dat <- R2spa::get_fs(eclsk, model = pscalar_mod)

# Growth model
tspa_growth_mod <- "
i =~ 1 * eta1 + 1 * eta2 + 1 * eta3
s =~ 0 * eta1 + start(.5) * eta2 + 1 * eta3

# factor error variances (assume homogeneity)
eta1 ~~ psi * eta1
eta2 ~~ psi * eta2
eta3 ~~ psi * eta3

i ~~ start(.8) * i
s ~~ start(.5) * s
i ~~ start(0) * s

i + s ~ 1
# Fit the growth model
tspa_growth_fit <- tspa(tspa_growth_mod, fs_dat,
                        fsT = attr(fs_dat, "fsT"),
                        fsL = attr(fs_dat, "fsL"),
                        fsb = attr(fs_dat, "fsb"),
                        estimator = "ML")

Parameter Model Est SE LRT \(\chi^2\)
Mean slope JSEM 1.873 0.025 2223.513
2S-PA (Reg) 1.874 0.018 2271.428
2S-PA (Bart) 1.874 0.018 2271.428
FS (Reg) 1.874 0.010 3282.137
FS (Bart) 1.874 0.019 2248.001
Var slope JSEM 0.099 0.017
2S-PA (Reg) 0.100 0.016
2S-PA (Bart) 0.100 0.016
FS (Reg) 0.065 0.004
FS (Bart) 0.141 0.016

Further Adjustment

2S-PA treats \(\bv \Lambda^*\) and \(\bv \Theta^*\) as known

  • When these are estimated, and their uncertainty is ignored,
    • SE maybe underestimated in the structural model

Solution 1: Bayesian estimation of factor scores (Lai and Hsiao 2022)

Solution 2: Incorporating SE of \(\bv \Lambda^*\) and \(\bv \Theta^*\) (Meijer, Oczkowski, and Wansbeek 2021)1

Extension: Latent Interactions

Tedious to do product indicators

With 2S-PA, just one product factor score indicator

  • Bias and SE bias for 2S-PA-Int was in acceptable range in all conditions
  • Overall, better coverage and RMSE than product indicators

Extension: Location-Scale Modeling

With measurement error

  • Predicting individual-specific mean (location) and fluctuation/variance (scale) over time

Estimates are virtually identical to those with joint modeling

Other Extensions Underway

  • Latent interaction with categorical indicators
  • Location scale model with partial invariance
  • Random coefficients from multilevel models
    • E.g., individual-specific slope for self-efficacy → individual-specific slope for achievement
  • Vector autoregressive modeling (Rein, Vermunt, & de Roover, preprint)

Limitations/Future Work

  • Account for uncertainty is \(\bv \Lambda^*_i\), \(\bv \Theta^*_i\), and \(\bv b^*_i\)
  • Requires error covariance matrix of factor scores
    • Or some estimates of reliability
  • Incorporate auxiliary variables for missing data
    • And potentially applicable to multiply imputed data
  • More simulation results


Undergraduate and Graduate students

  • Yixiao Li
  • Meltem Ozcan
  • Wing-Yee (Winnie) Tse
  • Gengrui (Jimmy) Zhang
  • Yichi Zhang


  • Shelley Blozis
  • Yu-Yu Hsiao
  • George B. Richardson
  • Dave Raichlen

Thank You!


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